
Posts Tagged ‘Paris’

I think I would like to own a chocolate shoppe.  One a lot like this:

This lovely little shoppe was in the village of Valencay where we stayed in France.  Isnt it just adorable???

This is the owner on the right and her helper.

Thank you Hannah and Rachel for helping me out with the French!  They had several conversations with these nice ladies.  I stood there with my mind completely blank.  Nothing I practiced would come to me.

We visited this little shoppe several times during our stay.  It is hard to say what our favorite thing was but the Pain Au Chocolat was pretty near the top. And these lovelies were delicious as well:

That little hazelnut chocolate gateau was especially delish.

My mom, oldest daughter and I catered for about a dozen years…having a little shoppe might not be that far fetched.

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